
Showing posts from February, 2024

Do you hold yourself Accountable?

  A person who is not accountable to anything is a danger to themselves and others - Iyanla Vanzant  I was listening to a podcast last week with Iyanla Vanzant, she spoke about holding yourself accountable. What does that mean and how do you hold yourself accountable to anything or anyone? What is that thing that says I have to raise my game, I have to show myself and others respect, I must be disciplined? Do you have anything that guides you to that place? Some use religion and spirituality Some use honoring their family Some use their children Iyanla in her conversation talked about how her grandmother swept floors, and cleaned toilets so that she and her brother could eat and go to school - she holds herself accountable to the memory of that and would not dishonor her grandmother by "wasting" her life. Holding yourself accountable I have interpreted as doing your best in the moment, it means recognizing and remembering that there are Universal laws and principles that guid...

Lessons from Spending time in Stillness

  I know some of you are in the cocoon stage right now. You don’t want to do small talk. You’re craving time at home. And you might be thinking: “What’s wrong with me?” The answer is: nothing. You’re on the path to healing.   Dr Nicole LePera I have been in a cocoon for a few months! So this is what it was. Dr LePera has described what I have been  feeling and experiencing.  Being in this cocoon stage looks like spending time in stillness, it looks like meditating, journaling, like not being busy, like setting boundaries with no guilt, it looks like less mindless scrolling on social media, it looks like spending time on the beach, by rivers, in the forest. Its an uncomfortable time, it may involve losing some friends, upsetting family who cannot understand the choice to spend time in silence and stillness. If you are constantly busy, on the move and get validation from externa sources being still, silent and spending time alone, this shift will feel different. What I...

The Source Resides Within

  When you demand the love and approval of others, you make them into your Source, into your God — and where is the possible sense of happiness in that, dear one? Why would we ever have even placed Source so far outside your own heart, so far outside your own being? Elizabeth Gilbert Today I bumped into someone I believed I would be friends with forever, in fact, more than friends. As I ran into that person, it dawned on me that we are not even on speaking terms. My belly flipped, I felt a rush of emotions come to me. Anger, Sadness, Disappointment, Resentment, Wonder. How does one go from being so close to not even wanting to speak or acknowledge each other? Or maybe I can use a lesson I learnt in the Course of Miracles - I am willing to see this differently. Perhaps the time has passed to be friends, the time while being friends was beautiful, I learnt a lot about myself. It's just a new time now. Perhaps now its about setting boundaries, making room for new friends and new exper...

Things that were once uncomfortable are now desired

But I trust the discomfort will eventually turn into something else — that it is taking me somewhere important. I trust the gentle path. I trust each impossibly slow step. Discomfort can be a doorway . Lisa Olivera  Having to face and sit through discomfort has never been fun for me. I don't know about you; for me, there is resistance. I love easy and sameness - its called when consistency is out of balance.  What I have learnt is life's experiences include uncomfortable situations, anything that is new, different, important to you, out of the ordinary involves moving through, sitting in and passing through some level of discomfort.. Guaranteed to meet you on the other side is something new, something different, something magical. Things that were once uncomfortable for me that I now do: 1. An early morning run - just the thought of running arrggg - Now I love it, I feel like I have accomplished something every time I wake up early and run, even if I run for ten minutes , I f...

Love is Persistent

  Love requires our courage—the courage to let go of our fear of not being enough. It asks us to step into the unknown and risk everything for the chance to experience something truly extraordinary . Alex Elle February is the love month, in any which way you turn there is something about love and Valentines and romance. Confessions on the Journey - I have willed myself to love, to be loved and to BE love. Its still in process. Growing up I believed love was only for  romantic settings and romance. I also believed that  one would be lucky to have that type of love in their lives. As I grew older, I thought, if love is what I am seeing around me then hell no, I want no part of it. Healthy relationships were few and far between in my world. So, that combination of believing love was just for romance, and not seeing many healthy versions of it, I became quite skeptical about this thing called love. I started reading books, magazines, learning about it. I vowed to myself I wil...

What Nature Has Taught Me

  Divine design is more than we can fathom - Deborah Johnson Over the past few months, nature has been a healer, a balm of sorts for me. Even in the magnificence of it all there is a simplicity that is unmatched. Entwined in the perfection is a level of imperfection In between the order there is chaos. Just like me, similar to how I live The greatest lesson has been that I am nature so that waterfall beautifully crafted by the Most High from an idea is the same as me- I am idea crafted and realized from the mind of the Most High. There are times I would be angry - like waves crashing heavy and hard There are times I would be calm - when the river meets the sea in a dance  There are times when the winds will shift and move everything in its wake.  There are times when there will delightful colours and beaty Nothing remains the same, we change and that is AOK. no matter what is what is going on. No matter the circumstances, there is a power in the Universe that t...

There is no Self Worth without knowing Self

Self Value - how you see and hold yourself within yourself that determines what you do and how you do it - Iyanla Vanant  One of the most important lessons I learned in 2023 has been how I see myself determines what I accept from others and what I am willing to accept. This revelation made so much sense that when I got it, I was literally clapping and on my feet shouting!  I get it, I get it.   I viewed myself as less than in those relationships - no wonder it turned out the way it did. Basically , I believed that the relationships that I  entered was a step up for me, rather than looking at it from a place of equity. I thought wow, I am so lucky, I am able to be in this union. Everything went off balance  because of those beliefs.  When we see ourselves as less than, we accept less, we want to fix and change what is in front of us, we want to justify nonsense and we do not ask for what we need and want because of the fear of being abandoned and left- Who K...

The Guide is the Love

Our God and higher self always point the best and most perfect way and it is ours to listen and choose or reject what we hear. God does not blame, but patiently tries again to show the, perfect way, the loving way. 105 Universal Laws Many people may not believe this and I can confess that I also had my doubts, we do get guidance from within. Divine Guidance. Its quiet, its not fussy, its patient and its uncompromising. This guidance  keeps telling us, showing us, loving us, prompting us, without being over bearing. Free will allows us to choose whether we take it or leave it. When you consistently feel drained after talking to someone? - Guidance for boundaries When the joy of the job, relationship, hobby is waning - Guidance to pay attention. When your belly flips crossing the street - guidance that a car may be coming or to be careful as you go. There are so many times that I have heard this guidance talking to me, that I have asked for it and yet, because I don't like the ...

There are no Wrong Turns

“ Like sunflowers, no matter where they are planted turn towards the sun, I too began turning in the direction that nourished me. ”  ― Lalah Delia, Vibrate Higher Daily: Live Your Power On a  Sunday I hike,  I do a fairly easy one, I have been doing this almost every Sunday during 2023. Apart from it being a form of exercise, it served me as a method of healing. The ability to be a part of nature, to just be, to see the magnificence of how things change at a river weekly puts my mind at ease. It reminds me that change is not as scary as it appears in my mind.  The opportunity to be in a quiet space has been life saving.  I  have come to know the trail like the back of my hand. That became comforting. Yesterday, as I walked on the trail , I realized that I was in an unfamiliar place, how did I get here? I wondered. I started a mini panic. The monkeys seemed to be howling louder than usual, the grass seemed thicker, the path just different. I made a wrong tur...

February I am Committing to Keeping my Word

  Attending  to your consciousness is your business and so is attending to your conscience  Carolyn Myss February creeped up on me, I looked up and there it was - February. No complaints here, time does its thing and leaves it up to us to do ours. And so I welcome this month with the intention of   paying attention to my words and my word, I intend to stand on them. Words are powerful.  Words create, they shape what we do and how we act.  Words have power and you decide and assign what words you use.  Words shape the quality of your life.    For February, I intend to be intentional with my word, to stand on my word, the keep the agreements that I make and make agreements that I can keep. What does it mean to you to give your word and keep it?  Everything you stand for is contained in the words you speak and the word you give both to Self and others. I want to create my life intentionally and if words form part of the creation o...