Love is Persistent

 Love requires our courage—the courage to let go of our fear of not being enough. It asks us to step into the unknown and risk everything for the chance to experience something truly extraordinary. Alex Elle

February is the love month, in any which way you turn there is something about love and Valentines and romance.

Confessions on the Journey - I have willed myself to love, to be loved and to BE love. Its still in process. Growing up I believed love was only for  romantic settings and romance. I also believed that  one would be lucky to have that type of love in their lives. As I grew older, I thought, if love is what I am seeing around me then hell no, I want no part of it. Healthy relationships were few and far between in my world. So, that combination of believing love was just for romance, and not seeing many healthy versions of it, I became quite skeptical about this thing called love.

I started reading books, magazines, learning about it. I vowed to myself I will "love differently" Much of that choice was rooted in fear of losing and not doing "love right"  As above so below, as within reflects outside- my life reflected back what I believed. Healthy relationships were few and far in between, holding on in the name of love was my defence when it was certainly time to let go. I held on to so many beliefs that I had to prove, I had to be more than, to show that I was valuable and liked. 

What I have learnt is that love is everything and in everything. It was up to me to believe that.

Love can be healthy.

I have also learnt that the old cliche love starts with you - is so true! we set the standards

we don't have to earn love- we ARE it! We are love. We are enough.

So searching for it outside of ourselves is a sure set up for disappointment.

And therein lies the challenge.

Love includes care, commitment, courage, discipline, fun,  persistence - first to and with Self

Love is ALL 

Akosua's Books


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