What Nature Has Taught Me


Divine design is more than we can fathom - Deborah Johnson

Over the past few months, nature has been a healer, a balm of sorts for me.

Even in the magnificence of it all there is a simplicity that is unmatched. Entwined in the perfection is a level of imperfection

In between the order there is chaos.

Just like me, similar to how I live

The greatest lesson has been that I am nature so that waterfall beautifully crafted by the Most High from an idea is the same as me- I am idea crafted and realized from the mind of the Most High.

There are times I would be angry - like waves crashing heavy and hard

There are times I would be calm - when the river meets the sea in a dance 

There are times when the winds will shift and move everything in its wake. 

There are times when there will delightful colours and beaty

Nothing remains the same, we change and that is AOK.

no matter what is what is going on. No matter the circumstances, there is a power in the Universe that transcends it all. In that power we live, move and have our being.

Peace and Blessings

Akosua's Books


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