
Showing posts from May, 2018

Check Yourself

To end the misery that has afflicted the  human condition  for thousands of years, you have to start with yourself and  take responsibility  for your inner state at any given moment.  That means now .  – Eckhart Tolle   When you find yourself saying more than more,that it is someone else's fault, or blaming something  or someone else for where you are in life or making external things the reason for you doing or not being able to do something. It is time to check yourself! When it's never your fault - check yourself! When you keep telling others that things are just not going to change - check yourself! When you start saying that the The Universe and Your maker, however you call that person, just does not want you to use your gifts to live a joyous life - check yourself! When you have done absolutely no work and say that "prayers will work" - check yourself! When you have no faith in your vision, no faith in yourself - yourself! Peo...

Lessons from a Recovering "I'm Not Good Enough" Addict

"Not-enoughness is a concept, a feeling, a belief. Not-enoughness is the constant feeling of dread you walk around with that says I must have, I must get, and acquire more to prove to everyone that I am worthy. The feeling of not-enoughness will not go away no matter how much you accumulate because it usually comes from a place of fear." Today I want to share with you an article written by me featured in the Harness Women Magazine I hope that after you read it we can share lessons on the Journey Click on link below for the full article Today's Feature Article in Harness Magazine Peace Have you read any of Akosua's work? What Did I Learn Today? Lessons on the Journey to Unconditional Self Love Nyabo (Madam) - Why Are You Here? Daily Lessons on the Journey - A Journal Follow Akosua on Twitter Instagram Facebook

Fully Express Them

Emotions are one of the most beautiful parts of a human being and they should not be denied, suppressed or judged.  Many of us have given a great deal of our energy and power away to our emotions because we have not allowed ourselves to fully express them.  We end up holding onto them for years giving them great power to control us. When we allow them to be expressed we allow them the freedom to be released. If we deny our emotions we end up fragmenting ourselves creating all kinds of alter egos that get stored in our energy body .   Sabrina Reber Total penny dropping moment yesterday One of the things that moves us out of situation where it seems difficult to let go is....wait for it admitting our feelings and telling the truth to ourselves! That's it folks! By now you know, many of the solutions are simple, we just make it complicated. Admit the fact that you still want what is not in your best intersts maybe it is admitting that you want the person who...

Your Purpose Brings You Joy

Everybody's purpose will not be there job, your purpose may not make you money. Some of us will have it as a job and some of us will not.Your purpose is what makes you joy . Iyanla Vanzant Many times on the journey I am asked the question "how do I find my purpose?" or "how can my purpose make me money?" Somehow purpose and loads of  money have been linked. we have started believing that once we find our purpose that we become wealthy, we become problem free, we become famous. Am...newsflash life continues. I will admit life will be more fulfilling when one knows their purpose and yes the money comes. However it is not an automatic pill! There is still work to be done, discipline to be brought to the fore, and belief in self to be demonstrated. What I have learnt is, 1. We don't have to FIND our purpose- we know it. We have to believe, we have to bring it to the fore, we have to move forward and be obedient when we get the nudgings from the Univers...

Do you listen to your Internal critic?

Everyone has a different version of an internal critic, and anyone who tells you that they are "fearless" and that they no longer have internal criticisms total denial. Kate Courageous  I have an internal critic - Confessions on the Journey! That internal voice that speaks or sometimes shouts at me about...let's see 1. My weight 2. Did I say My weight? 3. Managing money 4. Did I say managing money? 5. How long my goals are taking to manifest There are other ramblings, but the ones stated above, are on rotation. What I have learnt however is,  I can hear the voice, answer and not let it run my life. I can hear it and not act or not act on it. I invite it in, I ask the voice "is what you are saying true?" I ask "who told you this to tell me?" I ask "what are you here to show me that's useful" (PS - if you are going to ask - don't ask it out loud in the company of others, trust me!) then I move forward. Is it ...

Reprogramme Your Consciousness

Reprogramme yourself, Reprogramme Your Beliefs. Update. Replace.Reboot Your Consciousness - Iyanla Vanzant I have been listening to Iyanla Vanzant's Fixin Online Course, the topic is Relationships, and there have so many penny dropping moments, it literally stopped me in my tracks. What caught me was the concept of relationships being a mirror. The people that come into your life mirror either how you feel about yourself or what you need to heal. A mirror or what you need to heal! I had to ask myself - ok who are the mirrors. When I realised who were the mirrors I took a deep breath- do you mean I have been treating my own self like this? No bloody way!!! total wake up call! Looking at the relationships in my life with these lens have given me a different perspective. One of discernment and compassion. What do I need to heal What do I need to change What do I need to adjust What do I need to forgive Peace Have you read any of Akosua's work? What Did I Learn T...

The Three P's of Relationships

The three P’s—passion, power and pain—that are part of every relationship - Iyanla Vanzant All relationships I have learnt takes a certain amount of vested interest. How we show up in our relationships will determine how we show out.  Relationships mirror back to us where we are, what we are thinking, consciously, subsoncsiously and un consciously. Look at the relationships in your life and they tell you a story, or maybe the lack of relationships Be the relationship Work Friendship Family Intimate our relationships tell us a story The challenge comes in when we have conflicts, differing opinions and want our own way When we act and make decisions on fear and people pleasing. There are tools which we can use to resolve conflicts, what happens is a combination of us not knowing these tools, not wanting to use these tools for many varied reasons including ego and wanting to be right and wanting to not look "bad" and the clincher is admitting our mistakes Who...

New Naratives on Being Strong

I used to think strong meant being tough, cold, hard, but I know now that that type of strength is a mask I used to cover up my fears and insecurities. Being strong has a lot more to do with softness than what I was originally brought up to believe Alexix Johnson The image I had of a strong woman was one who never cried or showed emotions in front of others, can take multiple hits (life setbacks) and still remain standing and of course, look like a diva while at it. I myself wanted to live up to that image What I have learnt is, I can be soft and strong at the same time I have learnt that vulnerability is strength and showing up real takes an enormous level of courage Women are nurturers, we have the intuition thing down pact! The emotions we have are natural guides, to surpress that? for what? I don't need a definition of some far away TV land of what strong is and this is a different time! I don't have to pretend to be a robot and not show emotion to anyone in the ...

In Stillness Magic Happens

Everything that's created comes out of silence. Your thoughts emerge from the nothingness of silence. Your words come out of this void. Your very essence emerged from emptiness. All creativity requires some stillness Wayne Dyer Yesterday a few friends and I decided to walk through the rain forest to see the Turure Falls. I have always wanted to go there and the opportunity presented itself yesterday which I took with both hands! The drive to the entrance was just about an hour, then we had to park the car and walk through the rainforest to find the falls. The beauty of the falls we heard, is that there are 4 levels like fully formed steps, straight out of nature! I was excited to see this. Whilst walking through the rain forest, the silence was deafening! The stillness was breathtaking, it actually woke me up. It almost felt like a bolt into my consciousness to say - take some time to be still, to be silent, to be awake! The little reminders are always on time We revel in ...

You Live What You Believe

What you believe, you will repeat, over and over - Iyanla Vanzant Core beliefs contribute to our decisions and ultimately our lives. There are times that our core beliefs limit our growth. Unconsciously we believe what we were taught as children many times after we have either outgrown them. We believe some of the religious core beliefs even though they may not be relevant to the times. Myths handed down that are not questioned may also lead to a life less fulfilled. So, the question is, what do you believe? And if you don't know for sure, look at your life, whatever is inside will manifests itself into your reality. It really is that simple The part which may be challenging is accepting and facing the unconscious beliefs. So if you believe that you are unworthy or not enough this is what you you will attract into your life You attract what you believe! If you believe you are the bees knees, you will treat yourself accordingly Belive baby, Believe!! Have you Read Akosu...

Are You Ready to Do What It Takes?

Ask For What You Want and Let the Universe Fill In The Details - Iyanla Vanzant Asking for what I want has historically been a challenge. Why? 1. As a child it would usually come with either a lecture or a no 2. As a wife and partner it would sometimes  come with "stop being a nag" 3. As an employee it sometimes would result in changed conditions. So what do I do? Stay in the corner and don't rock the boat. After a while feel a sense of resentment Health issues ensue when the resentment builds up and then shit hits fan If it is not dealt with the cycly continue So asking for what you want takes courage, it takes willingness, it takes persistence and determination, it takes guts, it takes backbone, it takes doing the work. Are you ready to do what it takes to get what you want? Peace What Did I Learn Today? Lessons on the Journey to Unconditional Self Love Nyabo (Madam) Why Are You Here? Daily Lessons on the Journey - A Journal

Hold Still

  “Hold still. Stay there. Tease back the layers. You are in the space between your comfort zone and infinity. You want to hide. Not be seen. Not be open. Not be vulnerable. But you have to. There are two ways to do this – soft and gentle or fast and hard. Both will get you to the other side, if you let them.” – Jeanette LeBlanc The entire concept of feel the feelings took on a whole other level of significance for me! Yesterday I was listening to a conversation, and let me tell you, it is the barefaced truth that we can get lessons from anyone and from anywhere! The conversation was centered around how busy she was and how strong she had to be for her kids while going through a divorce. Strong enough to sign up for a PhD and to keep it together with no tears! So why no tears? Why is that strong? - well because I don't want the kids to see me as weak and crying all the time So why are you so busy with doing a PhD - well I have to provide for my children Is it okay for t...

Make Better Choices

Life is made up of an infinite amount of choices. Most decisions, such as what you’ll eat for lunch today, are small and only slightly impactful, but it’s  the big decisions—the ones that can change your life forever —that are tough to make. - Lydia Sweat In January of every year I come up with three different mantras for the year. For 2018, my three mantra's were 1. Make Better Choices 2. Show up Real 3. Let go when you have done all you can The second and third one has been easier. Make better choices has been the challenge. Why? I act on impulse, I feel it, I do it. When I follow my intuition it works out swimmingly! it may not even make an inkling of sense the feeling and the doing it. But I press ahead like a champion. When the decision is made in fear, the outcome is fear based. So when faced with a decision, the mantra kicks in "Make Better Choices" Once I get still, my intuition whispers to me Once I get busy the fear steps in Make Better Choic...

Difficult Conversations

Remind yourself that if you think you already understand how someone feels or what they are trying to say, it is a delusion. Remember a time when you were  sure  you were right and then discovered one little fact that changed everything. There is always more to learn.”   Douglas Stone Difficult conversations are just that, difficult! I still avoid them like the plague, less so now As a recovering people pleaser I abolutely cringe in making peole who I like or respect mad. I know, I know, it is part of life that everyone will never see eye to eye with all our philosohies and beliefs. That is all well and good in theory, in the real world it scares the bejesus out of me! I usually dance around it and skip around it until what happens? either shit hits fan or the person disappears from my circle. Both scenarious that could have been avoided with only a willingness to be vulnerable. Vulnerability takes a whole heap of guts, let me tell ya! So here is what I have learn...

Wealth Can Come from Within

Most people are kept in a state of fear, jealousy, competition, comparison, complaining, and disillusionment. This leaves you open to be easily manipulated and controlled. You are convinced that you need money in order to have worth. This belief will indeed keep you poor. The wealth that we are speaking about is the wealth that comes from being a sovereign and free spirit and in alignment with the true knowing of who we are . Maryam Hasna The world we live in is one where money is a requirement for survival. Money, they say, make the world go round. Many of us have grown up around the beliefs that without money we are nothing, that we are less than or that our lives will be less than as we are not able to afford the finer things in life. The majority of our decisions are made "because we have money" or "because we have no money" The challenge begins when these decisions made "because we have no money" starts affecting our self worth and enoughness. ...

Who is In Your Corner?

Who is In Your Corner? Kate Courageous This morning I had the absolute honor and priveledge to be invited on to Hearbeat Radio for Women with the Lovely Natacha Jones, Candy and Lisa McLean of MomsConnect to discuss their upcoming Monther's Day event at More Vino South and to chime in on the question "Does it Take A Village?" I love these conversations because it allows for so many different points of views to be heard and expanded upon. The conversation really hasd me reflecting on who is in my village. Who is in your village? Are they there by default? Did you choose them? Will they remain? Are you even in their village? And why is this even important? I think for me, having a safe space is my village, one where I can just be! Where I can unfurl. Where I can fail forward, make mistakes minus the judgement but adding in the constructive loving feedback Do we just keep people in the village by default? Or do we choose? Do we feel safe in our village? Do we ...

Self Conscious?

self-consciousness is the assassin of intimacy. And lying is born of self-consciousness.  People lie because they worry about what you're going to think. They lie because they are afraid of how you are going to perceive them. They lie because they are self-conscious.   Stacy Herrera Self Consciousness as defined by the Merriam Webster Dictionary is " uncomfortably conscious of oneself as an object of the observation of others" I wanted to break this down for my own understanding. Confessions on the journey I have been feeling quite self conscious over the last few days.It is indeed an uncomfortable feeling! "as an object of the observation of others" - this is really the part that floored me. The uncomfortable feeling comes because  of the observation of others, it may not even be factual!  Sometimes, we make up stories, we compare ourselves, we listen to people who do not know us, we listen to feedback that comes from a space and mindset of fear...

Spicing up the Spice Isle - Day 5

Love as a tool for Disruption - Layla Saad The workshops are finished. A group of 15 people from all over the Caribbean came together this week under the  PISCES project, with the aim of improving communities and lives. Nothing much more makes me happier. The sessions were long but fun, the people were knowledable and lovely. The co-facilitators were excellent, I love working with Keisha, I learn so much from her and give thanks for the opportunity to be able to do sessions with and spend time with her. After the workshops, the readings began, I was grateful for all present. I had fun. I learnt that I must market my programmes more agressively and sometimes differently in different markets. I learnt that taking the country's culture into consideration is important, I learnt that I must show up with my whole self no matter who is in the audience, I learnt to expect the unexpected and handle it I learnt that there is room for everyone on the planet to do their thing, we all c...

Spicing up the Spice Isle - Day 4

There's been so many things that's held us down But now it looks like things are finally comin' around I know we've got, a long long way to go And where we'll end up, I don't know But we won't let nothin' hold us back We're putting our selves together We're polishing up our act! If you felt we've been held down before I know you'll refuse to be held down anymore! Don't you let nothing, nothing Stand in your way! Ain't No Stopping Us Now Yesterday we went to the other side of the island, visited a sea moss farm and a comunity business. Both having massive impact on the community. To see the people in their element was a treat, it was inspiring, it was educational, it was an eye opener. I always admire anyone who go after their dreams no matter what!? Everytime I meet any one I like that I get a little bit more courage to live my best life, this is one of the main reasons I go, and it is always a bonus to support our brothers a...

Spicing up The Spice Isle - Day 3

the reality is, I want to share my work in a BIG way! And I want to be brave enough to step out on the edge with the hard stuff. That means my chances of messing up are high, so instead of avoiding the hard, scary stuff, I’ve got to be willing to stay open and learn from others. Sara Alvarado Fear - what a hell of a thing! I keep myself in a box because of fear, this feeling reared it's head here on the Spice Isle in two instances I walked to the beach, I mean out of a post card, white sands, blue water, empty beach, I looked at it lovingly but I would never step in the water! It scares me shitless! When I was younger I almost drowned twice, the feeling of helplessness, I never let it go. It still lives within me, on top of that, I have a fear of wearing a swimsuit, yup there it is, I said it! I feel soooooo naked and judged, I know I know It is all me and in my head, still holding on to those fears which has me missing out on white sandy beaches all over the world! The other...

Spicing Up The Spice Isle Day 2

Little things seem nothing, but they give peace, like those meadow flowers which individually seem odorless but all together perfume the air . Georges Bernanos Grenada is lovely, the laid back vibe is unmissable, the people are friendly and the hotel that put us up is just fabulous! And it is close to the beach - nothing beats that! I took the opportunity to run to the beach this morning at 6am, to my surprise the beach was full of people, seems as though it was a senior citizens party that was either starting or continuing. Senior citizens were there having a good time. I smiled at the scenes, I smiled because the simple things can bring us so much joy, nature, the beach, good friends, companionship! The little things are usually the big things The excitement they were giving off made me stop to watch them further, and I smiled more What a great simple way to start my day I will be co-facilitating a workshop today, giving thanks for the oportunity to share lessons on the journ...

Spicing up the Spice Isle

Enjoy the Journey because you are always where you are meant to be - Mayam Hasnaa At this said moment I am waiting on a taxi to take me to the airport to catch a flight to Grenada. They call it the Spice Island - only because they have a history of nutmeg, clove and other natural spices that grow in abundance! Yeah, really, that is the only reason it is referred to as the Spice Isle! I will be there this week facilitating sessions on rural development on behalf of an NGO called CANARI, and on the last day I do a reading. I am excited to visit, this will be the second time that I will be on the island. The first time I was there I absolutely fell in love with the place, the people, the nature, the beaches. Absolutely stunning. I have committed myself to making time to run on mornings on the beach and to taking advantage of being close to all the nature So, let me get going, the taxi soon come! Catch you on the flip side Peace Have You Read Any of Akosua's Books? Wha...