When you can't meet someone's expectations

When you can't meet someone's expectations, make sure they don't try to project their disappointment onto you. Their disappointment is not your responsibility, because it's their expectations, not yours. Persistent Observer

I have been thinking about the quote above for a few days and particularly the line "their disappointment in not your responsibility, because it's their expectations, not yours"
I thought about this from the point of view of placing my own expectations on others and being disappointed when they fall short.
Did I communicate these expectations, and clearly?
Did they agree to meet these expectations?
If they did not agree did I go ahead and still expect the same thing?

Disappointment is difficult, who likes not having what they want when they want?
I certainly don't.

But inside that feeling of disappointment there are some lessons, some nuggets.
Communication, Trust, Discipline, Flow are all being called to the fore.
The biggest lesson for me is this - you get to choose. If someone has demonstrated in word, and deed that they cannot or are unwilling to meet the expectations that you have clearly  communicated then it is up to us to choose whether we want them in our lives or not.
If we blame, project, dismiss and deny, chances are the disappointment and resentment will grow. 
The choice may not be what we want or like in that moment but necessary.
So - the choice is yours, the expectation is yours and so is the disappointment
Catch that!

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