Inner Peace requires Inner Work

 I used to think my good deeds would heal me, if I got the better job, was kinder, more generous and succeeded that all my pain would fade away. I learned healing doesn't work that way Minna B

How many of us are obsessed with being nice, with being successful, with being hard working whilst living from a space of inner chaos or a space of achieving because we believe that it would bring a level of inner peace or fulfillment? Let me tell you, there is nothing that is only external that would bring you a level of inner peace. 

Inner peace takes the decision and commitment to become self aware and to focus on inner self rather than our achievements, accomplishments, our "nice personality" and our external trappings. It is not always pretty to face some of our own BS or our own poor choices but by now you know, there is always a lesson and all the dots usually add up.

The starting point of inner peace is the decision to become peaceful. Everything starts with a firm decision. 

Acceptance of where we are comes next, we have to accept the present state, accept our responsibility, our highs and our lows then the work starts, the committment to self of setting boundaries and following through, taking the time to face and feel all our feelings

It can me mucky work, but it is so worth it.

Inner peace cannot be substituted for nothing or NO-THING that is external, no food, no lover, no job, no material possession, no amount of IG and FB followers, and the list can go on.

Do the work!



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