How does free look on you?

I think I got lost somewhere inside my emancipation
this fascination with unification has become a bit of an obsession
that's my confession

I'm going to approach this differently
I'm feeling solutionary
don't be afraid of me
you're yet to see how free looks like on me
(The Floacist Natalie Stewart, my favourite poet)

How does free look on you? Free on me is a smiling face, a hip vibe, a hop skip and jump, an “I love me, no matter what anyone says or thinks” kind of look!
The whole concept of freedom changed for me over the last few years, it signalled the end of working just to pay bills and keep up with the status quo, it signalled doing what brought me joy, what made me feel alive and happy!There is a press release going around about me and the book, and what struck me is how they summed me up in this sentence “I moved from scared and self conscious to mature, courageous and confident” I never thought about it until I saw that this week in print!

Every day when I write in my gratitude journal I write “ I give thanks NOW for courage” seems like the time is NOW!
How does freedom look on you?

What did I learn today? Lessons on the Journey to Unconditional Self Love by Akosua Dardaine Edwards. Available now from Balboa Press




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