An Aha Moment

We hold on. Because Love does that. Embracing, rocking, reserving space. Love holds, it treasures, it tucks away for safe keeping, it loyally protects. Holding on is one of the many great powers of Love.

And it feels so good to hold on that sometimes we forget to look at what we’re holding on to. Danielle LaPorte

I'm reading Micheal Singer's work right now and having multiple Aha moments! Just yesterday I was at the bank, the line was long and luckily I had the book with me I started reading it while waiting to be attended to and the Aha moments were so strong I did not even realize that I was talking loud! I shouted out" OMG this is super stuff!" There were some eyes on me! I chuckled
But needless to say I wanted to share a snippet with you, maybe it can speak to you or even someone you know

" If you are doing something to avoid pain then pain is running your life. If you are afraid of being rejected by someone you approach and you approach that person with the intention of winning their acceptance you are skating on thin ice. All they have to do is look at you sideways or say the wrong thing and you will feel the pain of rejection, you're going to be dancing on the edge of rejection throughout the interaction.
Your personality traits and behavior patterns are all about avoiding this pain. You avoid it by keeping your weight at a certain level, wearing certain clothes, talking a certain way, and  choosing a certain hairstyle. If.If you want to validate this, just see what happens when someone criticizes your clothes; you feel pain. Every time you do something in the name of avoiding pain, that something becomes a link that holds the potential for the pain you are avoiding.


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