I aint Shame!

“Shame is a soul eating emotion.”  C.G. Jung

One phrase that I have eliminated from my normal conversation is "I'm shame" or as we say here in my home country "ah shame". 
Shame according to Psychology Today, "As a self-conscious emotion, shame informs you of an internal state of inadequacy, unworthiness, dishonor, or regret about which others may or may not be aware. Another person, circumstance, or situation can trigger shame in you, but so can a failure to meet your own ideals or standards whether or not they are perfectionist. Given that shame can lead you to feel as though your whole self is flawed, bad, or subject to exclusion, it makes you want to withdraw or hide yourself. So it is no wonder that shame lurks behind addictions that seek to mask its impact"

I rationalised in my mind that not speaking the word out loud and not attributing it to me and my actions is a first step in not only working out the difference between shame and guilt but also in finding the appropriate words to describe my feelings and deal with them accordingly

Shame needs secrets to survive, it cannot thrive in the open, this is why it is important to tell someone, write it out, let it out in someway, it frees you up to move forward.

Free up yourself


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