Let Us Continue The Work

We Are Our Ancestors Wildest Dreams 

A friend of mine yesterday was talking about a funeral that she just attended for someone who was 105 years old. She mentioned that she believes that she has so much more to do and wants to get going in doing it after attending and hearing about this person's journey.
That statement made me think. The ones that came before us who paved the path had an unwavering belief that things were going to get better, that their children and grand children would not have to live through any of the horrors and tribulations that they suffered. This unwavering belief has manifested in many ways. I thought about here we are now moaning and complaining about trivial things forgetting the journey that went before us
We moan and cry if there is no air conditioning in a building, or if someone who we know is not a good fit for us leaves us, we cry and moan because we cannot get a handbag or show, or some other material thing we look towards to validate us.
I am not saying that the ones that came before us were perfect, by all means they had their own personal issues and struggles. Let us not be the generation that dropped the ball! We cannot let all their sacrifices go in vain, we absolutely cannot let them down!
Let us make a difference in our own lives, in the lives of others, let us rise up and do the work, stop being lazy and forget our magnificence and our divinity.
Let us continue the work!

Have you read any of Akosua's work?


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