Order and Divine Timing

Order means accepting the concept of divine timing even when it conflicts wih your schedule, this requires patience, surrender and trust - Iyanla Vanzant

The concept of Divine Timing took me some time to embrace and accept. I learnt about deadlines, being assertive, going after what I want, making things happen. Not doing any or all of these things I was told that it reflects laziness, sloth and complacency. I was judged by the amount of things that I got done, the faster the better.
Divine timing, I have learnt, is about order,order is the first law of the Universe.
For everything there is a reason and a season.
Divine timing has come to mean that everything happens in the right timing that is required for the lessons and growth and courage!
Order is about understanding that there are some things that cannot happen on our schedule as much as we will it, want it, demand it or force it.
Order and divine timing go hand in hand.
The old adage of "nothing happens before its time" is very much alive and true.

I loved having things done as soon as I wanted it done, I love seeing quick results but I have learnt that divine timing is bigger than I am, it will happen once it is supposed to once I have put in the work, the faith, the self belief, the patience. They all go hand in hand
We cannot rush the sunrise
We cannot rush the moon coming up
Winter, spring summer arrives when it arrives despite how we rush it in our minds
It takes months to birth a baby
And why do we think anything else will not happen in its divine timing and in order?



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