I DeClare

The intention to grow instantly creates space for your body to step into but, unless you let go of everything weighing you down then that space dissolves into air like a broken promise  - April Green 

I DeClare
It is rare that I make resolutions
Don’t want them to haunt me in the dead of night
Each day guilted by all the things I said I would or would not do
I only do what I want, when I want
With a full heart or not at all
And the rest will have to settle somewhere between my lips and my intention
I don’t DeClare often
But there comes a day
When I am more than dependable woman
More than what I’ve accomplished or seek to and as that day approaches
Know this:
I declare to remember how to love
In the face of hurt in my heart
I will love you, that’s me
Foolishly, at times, but courageous
I vow to forgive
To ignite the soft of me and surrender to that knowledge that everything ain’t gonna grow like I grow
Aint gon’ know what I know, how I know
And that is ok
There is still love in letting go
I commit to love myself
To honor this girl with dreams she can’t stomach yet but works hard to
In the morning, I will pray to a God I hope to be more like and she will laugh Knowing I have forgotten already that she loves me unconditionally
Just a girl wanting more and more and more
But having everything I already need
I commit to laugh hardest when life is most challenging
I will  to tell strangers they are beautiful because they haven’t heard it in too long
I promise to dance across the floor when I’m excited
I promise to be excited
To sit with my mother to remind her that she makes amazing things and prays that she believes it
To listen to my elders, to honor the repetition in their stories
To watch intently as my cousins blossom
I promise to be there for them how they want me to be
And none of this comes easy
None of it will be overnight
I might be scared and stubborn at first and when I am
I vow to lean into it
To let life make a masterpiece of me
To be a thank you note to God
To say what needs to be said in the moment and trust that I am prepared
I promise to listen to the way God moves
I promise to be moved
To notice the details in the day
I vow to never stop picking up on energy
And feeling responsible for humanity
I promise to let this fire rage
To drink more water and carry this skin like a gift
I promise to breathe on purpose - every breath is blessed responsibility
And to fall in love without fear
I DeClare I vow. I promise
(Big love to Natalie P)


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