Universal Laws and Life

It has always been in the nature of humanity to believe mostly in the things we can see, feel, taste, hear or touch while doubting anything else that is beyond the perception of our immediate senses. However, whether you believe it or not, these Universal Laws influence our everyday lives and you cannot change that. G. Gold-Flight

Not all days are fun days, not all times are fun times, not everyone is kind and lovely, I have learnt that those things are not and never a reflection of who I am. I used to think that bad things only happen to bad people, so if I was good then only good things will happen to me!
Well, here we are! that theory busted!
Who defines what is good anyway?

What I have learnt is that there is a Universal Law of Duality. There is also a Universal Law of Polarity. Most importantly I have learnt that many of other people's choices has nothing to do with me.
Basically, The Law of Duality basically states that everything is on a continuum and has a complementary opposite within the whole.  To use an old adage, there may be two sides of a coin but there is only one coin. In other words, things that appear as opposites are in fact only two extremes of the same thing. 

For instance, heat and cold may appear to be opposites at first glance, but in truth they are simply varying degrees of the same thing.
What becomes problematic with the Law of Duality is when we start thinking that one aspect of the spectrum is better than the other aspect of spectrum.Seeing things from only one perspective is a trap that keeps you locked into one aspect of a condition.   In every situation in life, under the Law of Duality you are simply seeking to balance the duality.  It is not about operating in either extreme.  It is about keeping to the middle path.  One does not however deny the moment.
 According to the Law of Polarity, everything is dual. So things that appear to be opposites are actually two inseparable parts of the same thing. Think of hot and cold, for example; although they’re opposites, they’re actually on the same continuum and you cannot have one without the potential for the other. 

I am reminded of these lessons when I head into the "woe is me" thinking, or the "why me" feelings. I am reminded that everything is for a reason and a season, that love remains love and that judging anything is a complete waste of time and effort.
Look for the lessons
Understand that Universal Laws exist whether we believe them or not and always give thanks.
Perspective is a hell of a thing!

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