Are You Ready to Get Out of Your Own Way?

It was really about rising to the opportunity that had been given to me and making sure I didn’t sabotage it with the fear that I felt stepping out into this big bad world. Lupita Nyongo

I am a strong believer in the Laws of the Universe, some people argue with me about those beliefs. They want to know why I place more emphasis on the Laws of the Universe than the Bible. I can safely say that it really is a case of me identifying with what moves my soul. I love many of the stories given in the Bible, they are brilliant lessons, my challenge is the misinterpretation by many who use the Bible as I term it a weapon to keep others in fear, guilt and bondage. Anyhoos, I digress!
The point I was actually going to make is about getting out of our own way. It is simply not only visualising the outcome of what you desire. It is putting in the "work" required to make it a reality. This comes from the tenets of the Law of Inspired Action. Part of taking inspired action is getting out of our own way, overcoming our own inner critic, letting go of toxic relationships, facing the guilt and fear, focusing on our own self care, not taking the easy way out. Making a decision to stay in a relationship because of how it looks on the outside and what material or other benefits that we receive because of them is also part of getting out of our own way. Many of our challenges stem from our own versions and perceptions of how others perceive what we are doing or not doing.
I have learnt to start from within, the doubts will always be there, the questions will always be there, the naysayers will always be there. What will also always be there is you and your inner guidance.
How are you using your inner guidance? I call it your GPS.
Are you ready to get out of your own way?


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