Day 8 - Book Tour Updates

When you come clean and tell the truth, you can be sure that it will blow up an old pattern in your life. And it might even end a relationship. But living a lie is far worse over time  Dr.Christiane Northrup
Statements and Sangria - book readings in the garden. I can't even begin to explain! I am grateful beyond anything that I can explain for the love, the support and the fun that I had yesterday in the Brooklyn garden of Miss Phoebe, who embraced me as a daughter after reading What Did I Learn Today? Lessons on the Journey to Unconditional Self Love she offered her beautiful home and garden to host a reading and what a lovely time it was to see my friends who, some were in NYC passing through, shout out to Maxine and Sirlon, some were from London, shout out to Geraldine, and of course I made some new friends yesterday as well.
All I can say is thank you!
Ekhart Tolle says, if the only prayer you can offer is Thank You, that alone is enough! And honestly, it is all that I can say at this moment.......
Pure love.pure vibes.


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