Relationships Are Mirrors

The universe will perfectly align us with those who mirror back to us the areas in which we need to heal or they will mirror back to us the space of self-love that we've created. In this way, our relationships are our greatest ​spiritual ​assignments; they magnify whatever it is that's going on within us. Jennifer Kass

Relationships, I have learnt, are mirrors. I have said this many times before here It is yes a hard pill to swallow. Mirrors where we are able to see where we are, what we love and what requires healing, tweaking, shifting and re-affirming. 
When this is the case, do you adjust the mirror?
We really will be defeating the purpose if we change look to change the reflection
Newsflash- the reflection is you! And you have the power to make the change to you!

When a part of you is manifested through the actions of others, you must choose whether or not you want to keep this part of you alive. 
If you do, embrace it. Welcome it. However, if you determine what you see is not something you want in your life, if it is not a part of your nature that you want to cultivate, run! 
Run as fast as you can in another direction. 
Do not make excuses! 
Do not entertain the people or condition in any way! 
Do not make excuses!
 Do not entertain the people or the condition in any way! 
If you stay, if you involve yourself in trying to fix or change what is going on, you are dancing with a demon. 
Take just enough time to better understand what you are dealing with and to be able to recognize it when you see it again. 
See it.
 Accept it. 
Then reject it and haul ass!”


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