Transformation can start where you are

Perhaps most of the people who have emerged from a setback stay in their same jobs, with their same lives, but they are different. It’s not about self anymore; it’s about relation, it’s about the giving yourself away. Their joy is in seeing others shine. David Brooks

I was thinking about transformation, what it means and what sparks it. I thought about how much a transformation in my eyes looked like a totally different life, a drastic move and just like clockwork I bumped into the work of David Brooks who makes the case for a transformed life and person can be just a about the transformation of behaviour within the same environment. I see that this point of view makes quite a bit of sense, it is not about changing places where you are but changing the attitude and approach of our responses. It is about what is now important to your life, the approach to challenges and set backs. 

Many times, the transformation is about shedding the ego, about giving and serving. This approach can be taken anywhere and at anytime. You can be in the same job, same marriage in many cases with this new approach.
Who Knew?
The Simple is so Profound!
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