Top 5 Lessons this Week

When you trust yourself, you trust others. Your connections deepen.
When you trust yourself, you're more productive, and the work is created with ease.
When you trust yourself, you're more confident. You're not comparing yourself to others or second-guessing what you're doing.
When you trust yourself, you can surrender more. You can relax and feel the ease you've been craving. Kate Courageous

Good day lovies
I missed you, the week ran I had the opportunity to be a part of a wonderful group of people from different countries throughout the Caribbean. The days began early and went on long. Yesterday was the last day of the workshop piloting two tools for community businesses one called the Green/Blue Radar and the Value Chain Analysis for Climate Smart Solutions.
Despite it being a workshop for community businesses, I had some profound lessons:

 1. Expect the Unexpected - this is my biggest expectation because I cannot predict anything, I have zero control over every single thing. When the unexpected shows up I say, I was expecting you! Let me handle this

2. Let Go Of The Need to Be In Control - Let the shoulds go, let the "this is the way it should be" go. Let go of the ego.

3.Set Boundaries - Boundaries determine what you allow in your life and what you don't.

4.  Show up and do your best in the moment - sometimes you may be feeling like crap and have to execute, show up do your best and leave the guilt out.

5.Unlearning is just as important as Learning - sometimes the AHA moment comes in the Unlearning.


Have you read any of Akosua's work?
What Did I Learn Today? Lessons on the Journey to Unconditional Self Love


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