Intelligence alone doesn’t guarantee that you’re making the right choices in life.

Intelligence alone doesn’t guarantee that you’re making the right choices in life. There’s no way to figure it all out with your mind, because “it all” is way beyond anybody’s ability to comprehend. There are times when divine guidance alone can lead you safely even through life’s gnarly jungles. Intelligence for Dummies

Its question time during meditation... you’re always wanting to know:
“what can we do about this situation?” or “what are the exact things I need to know?” “how can I fix it?” “how does it work here?” "what was the feedback?" In your deep searching it seems that you believe that things are circumstantial & conditional therefore you are going about trying to create the perfect circumstances & control all the conditions, assuming that knowing all of it will create the space for you to be ALL that you are to be. 
The all that you are to be is never ever dependent on outside circumstances & outer expressions alone. If this is the place where you live inside your head then you will never know what it is to follow your intuition. To follow your gut. 
To act on faith & self belief &inner guidance.
Life is so much bigger than what you know & what someone tells you.
If you live from that space, You will always follow &
Always look for external validation.
Listen. Listen.Listen - go "inside" & listen.
Then make movements
Its called Divine Guidance.

Have you read any of Akosua's work?


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