
Simply put, any thought, message or order that is given to the subconscious often enough and convincingly enough will in time be accepted as truth and consistently be carried out with exact precision irrespective of whether it benefits you or not. The most important thing you must know is that it is subjective in nature. This means that it can not reason or distinguish between positive and negative. Tania Kotsos

Our subconscious mind is an important part of our guidance system, it listens and creates. That's it. When we consistently feed it information and "instructions" it creates
What you see manifesting in reality is most times the thoughts and beliefs and instructions you fed to your subconscious playing itself out in reality.
The beautiful thing about knowing about the power of the subconscious mind is that we can pay attention to it and make a shift. It may not be easy but it can be done.
Pay attention to your thoughts and your beliefs even your words because the subconscious will reflect them back to you, positively or negatively!

Have you read any of Akosua's work?


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