What Does it Mean to Flexible?

Flexibility means surrendering, giving up your preconceived notions about people, circumstances and the way things should be. Flexibility is a reflection of your willingness to do what needs to be done with no attachment to how it gets done - Iyanla Vanzant

Having something done a certain way because "it was always done that way", or because someone we trust told us that it is meant to be that way is safe. Many times, what we want to do and be turns out differently, and we stress the hell out of ourselves looking to change it. We think it is wrong or we feel guilty that it is different, we don't recognise this way.

Life is so much bigger than what we know.

Life has so many possibilities and pathways, why limit ourselves to only what we know?
I get it, yes it's safer, its easier to control the outcome, we know where we are going.
I have learnt that when I am willing to be flexible, the results are so much more fascinating and magnificent and mind blowing.
I was taught that to have a decent life included the specific steps of going to school, doing well, passing all the grades, getting a University education and then a job, a car, a family and die. Throw in some vacations in there for good measure.
I walked that road and here I am with some what was prescribed as the formula, but there were twists and turns which stressed me out to the point of making myself crazy.
Where I am now, I am pretty much content with  my situation, knowing that my willingness to be open to flexing the path has lead me here.
Be flexible
Let life guide you
Listen to the guidance
Keep and open mind
and know that Life holds something magnificent for you if you do
Have you read any of Akosua's work?


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