Door of No Return

You really notice your growth when you’re presented with a situation similar to one you’ve experienced in the past & have a completely different outlook or reaction. Ebonee Davis

Cape Coast is a wild ride, between the multitude of colourful boats, the coast line, the hub of activity and people stands the door of no return at both Elmina's Castle and at Cape Coast Castle.
I was not prepared for it, reading it and seeing it were miles apart.
What struck me most is the absolute resilience of the people who survived the harrowing journey from being sold as slaves to freedom hundreds of years later, that we are here to tell the tale, that people are honouring the past by keeping the stories alive.
I am inspired by their journeys so much, I know now that I can always be a better person and rely on my mind and their strength to see me through anything.
I am reminded to never forget and never again
To make a difference and always think that I am a survivor


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