Thank you Ghana

Every leaf on every tree bears witness to the fact that life goes right, over and over again. Every cell in your body, precisely situated, enables you to do all you do. Ralph Marston

Most of the time I have been busy trying to control the things that I cannot control
wanting to hedge
wanting to hedge against life
to 2nd guess it, control it, compentalise it, map it out, get ahead of it as if life is this certain something that is against me
Life is not against me
I have been given a gift of life & its important to love the life that I have & this love is not the emotion, it’s the agape/direction/violition love. Not confusing it with liking. Its staying in the knowing that the dots will connect, whether I like it or not
We fall out of agape love with ourselves because we don’t like what we are doing or not doing
We are disappointed in ourselves blah blah or whatever the made up story is
We spend time focusing on the external hoping to get the external to change. But the initial focus has to be on the internal.
I have to shift
Somehow, we have this idea that I can stay the same
That I can think the same stuff, feel the same stuff, harbour the same resentments & somehow it will still manifest other than where I am
It doesn’t work that way
Can you change on the outer?
Yes definitely
But it must start on the inner
We are more powerful than anything we can possibly imagine
There are not even enough words to describe it
It’s beyond our capacity to comprehend
We get stuck on feeling that we have to have it defined
We don’t have to have it defined
Ask open ended questions
What if?
What might it be?
What else might be possible?
Who might I be if I choose different?
What would freedom from this "addiction" look like?
Ask yourself & keep your mind wide open, don’t judge the response
You have to be willing to go into the unknown
We think of the unknown as scary
Step into the mystery, the majesty, the potentiality.
We are this powerful people, this powerful species in this hypnotic trance of not enoughness & all that we have been told, taught, & conditioned. Just question that for one moment. & be open to the possibilities
Thank you Ghana.


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