Are you Thinking for Yourself?

 To what degree have we bought in, consciously or unconsciously, to the messages that we’ve been bombarded with? Rha Goddess

The world we live in is filled with information, data, facts and knowledge from various sources. Some of the information we receive comes from those very close to us- families passing on beliefs, traditions and rituals. Today, we have at our disposal social media and the Internet where we can, not only immediately, but constantly, have information at our fingertips.

Over the last few days I have been looking at the details of the information that I have been consuming, particularly about the current Pandemic. I have been asking myself lately am I thinking for myself? What are the messages being taken in, digested and internalized which abdicates me of the responsibility of thinking for myself? Of making informed decisions that honor me.

When I started paying more attention to what information I have been  consuming. I learnt that any that promotes fear and division raises a different type of nervous energy within my body. The stories that talk about resilience, determination and triumph raised an energy of optimism and hope. I suppose this is normal. So why then do we, as humans, gravitate towards this type of nervous and negative energy?

I  then had to ask myself, am I living in denial? Am I running away from reality? Am I living in la la land by refusing to bury my head into the stories that report the number of deaths, vaccination woes and who is not doing what they ought to be doing? 

What I have learnt is that reality cannot and ought not be denied, the acknowledgement of what is actually happening is the first step in moving forward. Yes, people are becoming jobless, homeless, transitioning from life and  losing loved ones. The reality of what is happening has made me more humble, more empathetic, more compassionate and more pushed into action. Despite the losses and despair, I am  also seeing that there can be blessings and lessons in the "Rona". I am learning that I can use this opportunity to get curious about what is being told and shown daily via the news reports and the social media feeds with the intention of staying positive and focused.

You may ask how can I stay positive and focused when all of this is going on? I may respond, how can I not use this time as an opportunity to step up both in my home and in my community in my own little way.

What am I doing to make where I am better? There are many more bits of action that I can take than watching the news whilst condemning and judging others for not wearing their mask, not staying inside, not washing their hands. What am I doing or not doing? Forget others! 

How am I engaging people who are afraid to take the vaccine? How do I respond to them, how do I respect their points of view?

My grandmother always told me to think for myself, do not let anyone think for you because when they do you give up some of your freedom and your free will.

Think for yourself- it provides an opportunity for an unprecedented level of freedom.



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