How are you responding?

 you know you’re growing when certain things don’t affect you the way they used to anymore. if you’ve learned to stand your ground and gained confidence in your boundaries, celebrate yourself for that. Vibrant Honey

One sure way  I know that I am growing, healing and forgiving in how I respond to the situations around me.

The last few weeks I have found myself paying more attention to my responses and asking myself- how am I healing, growing and forgiving in this time?

My feelings have  become a guide and they are usually spot on. How I feel in the moment of response becomes a sign post of where I am in the growth and healing process.

When I respond immediately in defense, in blame, in high upset with the high chance that once I am finished there is a distinct possibility that I will have to apologize or make amends, I know that there is still some healing, growth or forgiveness still to be done.

When I take a pause before responding to a challenging conversation or situation, giving the situation the presence and reverence it requires, I know that I have done some growing. Even when angry, shocked, hurt or disappointed.

The beautiful thing about life is that it not just loves us, it gives us guidance in the form of experiences and people. 

Some people come to teach us and some come to us so that we can be the teacher. It certainly helps when we can discern the difference with the people in our lives. When their role is over, the relationship changes. Many times, what we do is hold on to the person and the relationship long past its time. We like certainty and familiarity so ending or shifting relationships naturally are a challenge. Life comes in to show us that the time has come to shift or end the lesson. When we are responding consistently from a place of fear or being triggered, this is life's way of getting our attention.

It is life's way of saying pay attention to what is happening here, do you need to forgive, to heal some more or to move on. All of which can be challenging because it sends us head first into unknown territory.

Trust life, trust the guidance to know that whatever happens you will be guided accordingly,  the situation will be a lesson or a blessing. 



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