
One of the main places people get stuck on their transformation journey is habits Lalah Delia 

The research says that it takes between 30 and 40 days to form a habit and even longer to break it. Our habits adds up to how we live. We do so much on auto pilot that it becomes second nature. We do not even have to think about what we do as a habit, we just do it, effortlessly. Even when it is not in our best interest. Think of the things you do as routine, daily! Those routine things that we do subconsciously add up to the habits which form our lives. Our lives reflect our daily habits.

Habits are what we do as routine, we do not even have to think twice about what we are doing. A habit is a decision, a choice. 

What I have learnt is, my repeated choices and decisions become my habits. The healthy ones and the not so healthy ones.

Your health - your habits help in determining them

Your success - your habits help in determining them

Your finances - they reflect your spending and saving habits.

What I have also learnt is, breaking and building a habit takes commitment, discipline, will power and a firm decision. Breaking a habit also takes going below the action to determine the feeling that you desire. There is usually a feeling that we are looking for when we eat all the chocolates, smoke the cigarette and even brush our teeth.

If we are willing to face up to the feeling that we are chasing, have the discipline and commitment to stay the course, give up  some of the people, places and things that  are unsupportive, slowly but surely we can change the habits that are self defeating.



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