Sameness is not a battle that you can win

 You work rather hard at sameness but you will never win that battle - Abraham Hicks

I have learnt that we are all unique beings - different in many ways yet all connected and share similar stories. The moment I learnt and accepted that it became easier not just to be empathetic towards others also to stop comparing myself to others. 

There are many who inspire me to raise my game, to act differently and make my life a demonstration to myself of what courage and love is. I have now realized that those who inspire me come to teach me. Rather than copy and compare, it became easier and easier to watch and learn, to be inspired.

The society we live in now provides more information via social media and  the Internet. We see how others live. We search for likes, We want to be seen among the crowd. All of this  can lead to us comparing ourselves to others, wanting what others want and being the same. As Abraham Hicks said, you will never win that battle. You are unique, there is only one of you, never to be replicated. Wanting to be exactly like someone else is denying your own uniqueness, your own power. How can we use our uniqueness to connect on a more deep level, to release judgement, come together and live life in a harmonious way. Where we can grow in a safe space and make where we are better for the ones coming behind us.



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