Attachment is a form of Control

 Love is freedom while attachment is control, all human beings walk in as a mixture of both when they enter into relationships. Yung Pueblo 

I love the idea that the more self aware we are, the easier it is to let go of our attachments. On many occasions, our attachments come from a place of fear and control. 

Our attachments come from a place of wanting things done in a particular way and not being very flexible enough to see another way or surrender.

According to Ying Pueblo "Attachments, our craving to have things exist in a very particular way, are the rocks that clog up the mighty flow of love. Our attachments are often molded by the hurt we have felt in the past. In this sense, attachments represent our inflexibility"

Self awareness has allowed me to question and probe why I am attached to having things done or look a particular way. It allowed me to release the way things "should be done" and accept.

The more self aware I became, the more accountable I was to myself, the better my communication with others turned out.

What are you attached to, and why?

And how are these attachments influencing your relationships?

Love itself has many synonyms: mental clarity, compassion, selflessness, flexibility, acceptance and understanding.



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