Nature is a Gift. We are nature
Nature itself goes against the pace of capitalism, of wider culture, of demands and schedules, scrolling and consumption, continuous energy and output, and I spend a lot of the year forgetting nature isn’t the thing that is wrong. Nature is so right. And we are nature; allowing it is a gift. Lisa Olivera
For the majority of my adult life, I spent the Christmas season in a quiet space. I would read, sleep, discover, write, travel to far off places. Doing this renewed my spirit and soul in a way that I cannot even explain. The year would begin and so would I. I felt brand new.
I was never a fan of fuss and Christmas just seemed to turn into a series of events that was a hassle. Confessions on the Journey - I run from fuss! So I used the time to ""escape from the fuss" however, the Universe used the escape for good, for a renewal! I remain grateful.
Spending time with myself at Christmas became like a tribute and honor to "self", showing me and declaring to the Universe that I was worth it, I was important to spend the time and money on my self.
Since the pandemic hit, I started thinking about sharing this ritual with someone I care about, I promised myself that if a person showed up in my life I will be open to that. Last year was the first time I invited someone along to the ritual. I loved it, I loved the sharing, the learning, the seeing things from another pair of eyes, the memories, the co-operation.
I have learnt that when I create something and its good, I want to recreate it until the wheels fall off, and so, this year I wanted to recreate the experience of opening and sharing the Christmas rituals. My excitement was on level 10, on a scale of 1 to 5! All booked up and ready to go, these plans were halted. My person decided that they were making a choice to not go during the Christmas season as family time must take priority.
I was absolutely gutted, I felt so out of control, so sad, so angry, so disappointed. My ego, my fear went on a field trip. Until today....
Today I know that this too will pass - the feelings, the disappointment - everything!
Today I know that this time is to be spent with self - The Universe has spoken.
Today I know that it will all be well
Today I know that I cannot push the river, I just have to flow
Today I know that the Universe loves me and knows what it is doing, up to me to believe that and pay attention.
Today I know that arguing with reality makes me suffer
So here I go again, this year, excited to recharge, renew and recalibrate this beautiful self and I continue along the Journey.
Feelings will come and go, they are guides, rather than a destination to stay where you are.. use the guides wisely.
Onward to the Journey
May this time be filled with what I need
Akosua's Books
Nyabo (Madam) Why Are You Here?
What Did I Learn Today? Lessons on the Journey to Unconditional Self Love
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