Are you Paying Attention to How Life is Speaking to You

Your life is always speaking to you - Oprah Winfrey

Your life is always telling you something. It may not be in words. We all know that communication may be without words. How many times do you get goosebumps totally out of the blue? That is life telling you something
How many times have you felt so peaceful in a strange space? That is life speaking to you
How many times have you had unexplained migranes, or some type of sickness? That  is your life speaking to you

There is an old saying "if you don't hear you will feel" Your life will throw up signs to you to get you to pay attention
When life wants your attention it will get it.
If you ignore life, it will continue to communicate with you.
Take the time to pay attention and listen to the signs.
Be a good listener

Have you read any of Akosua's work?


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