Do You Have the Full Story?

Criticism does not make you smarter or better than the one you are criticizing Iyanla Vanzant

There is story behind everything, I truly believe that there is power in our story and what I have learnt is that even before the power there is more to the story than we even know. The launching into judgements, what if's and should's then we can be missing some vital information

This weekend I was giving some advice, unsolicited, no one asked me for it
Lesson Learnt Number 2- offering unsolicited advice without the full story is futile

I went on as if I knew the answers.

Lesson Learnt Number 3 - we usually do not know all the answers, especially when we do not know the full story

I went on and on and put in my own judgements and spin on the event - without knowing the full story

When I got the full story, my jaw was on the floor because I so way off, so out of place. Out of my lane.
Lesson Number 4 - Listen and Support rather than run to a solution

I am now moving forward with these lessons which will allow me to listen, to be compassionate, to drop the judgement and to remember that do not jump to conclusions without the full story because I may be wrong

Have you read any of Akosua's work?


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