Blame Costs Us Our Freedom

Blame is a big barrier to getting out of depression/apathy.Blame has lots of payoffs: we get to be innocent and enjoy self-pity and receive sympathy. It lets us stay small without guilt. But the cost is our freedom. David Hawkins

Blaming others or a situation is a form of fear. It is so much easier to blame than take responsibility. I think we have deduced somewhere that if we take responsibility, it says that we are wrong. 
Who wants to be wrong?
When we blame others the heat is taken off of us. We somehow think we get a pass and guilt will not have to be faced. There is nothing to self reflect when we choose to blame, nothing to learn, no growth, no compassion or forgiveness.
Blaming others is a big part of nursing an oversized ego. The ego loves the blame tactic. This is its best strategy!
Next time you are faced with a situation, take another approach. Look at it as a moment of self reflection, rather than right or wrong. See what role you played in where you are, have some compassion for yourself and the other person or parties involved and most importanly
Let Go

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