Everyday is an opportunity for something and for someone

Everyday is an opportunity for something and for someone. You could have failed 1,000 days in a row. But today can be different, you can change and you can cultivate the life you deserve –– for you, understand that it is possible.Sylvester McNutt III

Every day presents us with a re-do. Every day presents us with an opportunity, a different one which we had the day before. I have learnt that if we view each day as such our approach will be more productive and we can even be less harsh on ourselves.

Bringing old tapes and baggage with us that does not contribute to our growth into a new day keeps us stuck. The experiences we have are for us - whether we deem them good or not so good), and therefore if we view them in that way we can better forge ahead when the challenges come.

This week I have been going through quite a few lessons in coping with disappointment, in things turning out differently than I planned and it sucked initially when I forgot that this is happening for me. I just had to ask myself, what can I take away from the situation, whilst still feeling all of my feelings.
I woke up today and I thought to myself, its a new dawn, a new day and the perfect moment for change, so choose to change the view because the past certainly cannot change

And so, I want to leave you with my lessons when dealing with disappointment:

1. Ask yourself - what is the lesson here?

2. Take responsibility for your actions

3. Leave other people's business alone - somethings are just not yours to take or carry

4. Forgive Yourself

5. It takes practice - keep going


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