The Trick is Taking Responsibility

If you want to know who you are, pay attention to what you do. Think about what you tend to and what you don’t. If you want to be a writer, then write. If you want to be a good friend or partner or parent, then show up, listen, love. Yes, love is a verb, so do it. Keep moving. Maggie Smith

What we do says so much!
What we say can be changed, but what we do consistently shows us who we choose to be
What we do consistently is driven by how we feel about ourselves.
So our response to events and our choices are driven by the way we view and see ourselves
Isn't that fabulous? Because it suggests that we are accountable for our actions and can adjust accordingly
The trick is taking responsibility.
Taking responsibility can be tough. But it's worth it in the end.
If we don't take responsibility we cannot heal or change or improve our circumstances.

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