Find or Create Your Safe Space
Vulnerability is not waiting for affirmation, not waiting for a certificate or validation to be a shepherd of change in someone else’s life. It’s putting ourselves completely out there where we are because that is where opportunity exists. That’s where God exists. Lee Ann Chisolm
I was having a conversation this morning about vulnerability with someone I recently met. The part of the conversation that stood out for me is that "vulnerability requires a safe space to unfold" It resonated with me. Having a safe space to unfold contributes to sharing openly and freely, to knowing that whatever happens someone has your back and there is no heat and no judgement.
How many times are we afraid to share something, a mistake, a poor decision because of the judgement and repercussions, the lack of support and fear?
If we know that there is a space where we can share and the repercussions would involve no judgement and honest feedback I believe that we would be more open to sharing openly
taking off the mask is challenging for so many reasons
Everyone ought to have a safe space to unfurl and that may be a therapist, a sister circle, a friend, the ocean, whatever it is, get one
Vulnerability taps into your strength and is must if we want to have open and honest relationships.
Any other type of relationship is frankly a waste of time!
I am extremely lucky that I have a group of ladies who I consider a safe space where I know they would be honest and let me know if I am doing nonsense with love, they hold me accountable and give honest feedback, celebrating wins as well
Find or create your safe space!
I was having a conversation this morning about vulnerability with someone I recently met. The part of the conversation that stood out for me is that "vulnerability requires a safe space to unfold" It resonated with me. Having a safe space to unfold contributes to sharing openly and freely, to knowing that whatever happens someone has your back and there is no heat and no judgement.
How many times are we afraid to share something, a mistake, a poor decision because of the judgement and repercussions, the lack of support and fear?
If we know that there is a space where we can share and the repercussions would involve no judgement and honest feedback I believe that we would be more open to sharing openly
taking off the mask is challenging for so many reasons
Everyone ought to have a safe space to unfurl and that may be a therapist, a sister circle, a friend, the ocean, whatever it is, get one
Vulnerability taps into your strength and is must if we want to have open and honest relationships.
Any other type of relationship is frankly a waste of time!
I am extremely lucky that I have a group of ladies who I consider a safe space where I know they would be honest and let me know if I am doing nonsense with love, they hold me accountable and give honest feedback, celebrating wins as well
Find or create your safe space!
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