Behave Yourself

Rest assured, distractions will not work until you work through the feelings you are trying to avoid. From the Ground Up

Why do we tolerate other people's bad behaviour?
Why do we allow others to challenge our boundaries?
Why do we find rationale and justification for other people's bad behaviour?
I found myself asking this question yesterday.
Letting others run amuk in our lives for the sake of peace, saving face, financial considerations is pure self disrespect, more so when we know they are doing it.
Many times we don't know, we think its normal behaviour especially of we grew up in it or it was taught to us by the school or the church or our families.
The usual indication of something not being right is our health
We get migranes, pains, asthma and other niggling injuries due to stress
Pain is a sure sign to pay attention
However, once we know its bad behaviour, we tolerate and let it pass, we reward it
We moan about it, we complain, we say what they should and should not be doing - yet we take no action
Sure nuff you are dishonoring yourself.
You are tolerating bad behaciour
Ask yourself why you believe that you must tolerate other people's bad behaviour?
Have you read any of Akosua's work?

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