Focus on your own wholeness

You are not for everyone. No, you're for yourself and for the people who love you. There is something much worse than being misunderstood or disliked: not understanding or liking yourself. Focus on your own wholeness—that's what "integrity" means—and let the rest go. Keep moving. Maggie Smith

The past few days being around different people has been an eye opening. Eye opening for me is embracing diversity and accepting it. Seeing different ways of doing what I would do and what I have known and accepted growing up and being around my own tribe.
Acceptance is sometimes tough for me. Accepting that my way is not the right and only way throws up feelings of being wrong and sometimes feelings of guilt and of course others being wrong and strange. When I break it down, my response is really a choice. A choice to stay stuck in my own ways, rather than looking at new approaches.
So many of our issues stem from wanting others to do things in the way we know, wanting others to follow our rules and not opening our minds to a new way or a different way.
So much of our disagreements and judgement comes from non acceptance.
Acceptance does not always mean liking it, it means being able to see that there are other ways. And many of the times we may not agree with the way but just to keep an open mind and not feel threatened by the way that we have no clue about
Its about lessening our control, knowing that just because we don't control it, things are out of control.
When we are comfortable with ourselves, we give up the fight to be right all the time, we can accept that there are other ways. other methods, other types of approaches

Know who you are!

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