
 Love is hard to define - because Love is destroyed by defining it. Ginormous Budda

Labels - How do you use them on yourself? What do you call yourself - consciously or unconsciously?

What do you attach your I AM too? Part of living in our power is how we do or do not label ourselves.

Some of us label ourselves with limitations.

Some of us label ourselves and have outgrown the labels. 

Some of us accept the labels that have been placed upon us bu others.

The challenge of remaining living within those labels when you have outgrown them involves limitations.

The limitation of sometimes living down to the labels - diming your light to fit in, doing what is expected of you because of the label given or accepted can lead to resentment or even guilt.

How do you see yourself?

How do you call yourself?

How do you respond to calls?

What labels do you live up to or live down to?

Be careful when you label something, including yourself that you don't destroy something else.



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