Heading back to Kampala today

"Let today be a day where you take nothing for granted. For life is fleeting, fragile and precious and can change on a whim. Say all the things you really want to say to your loved ones today, say the things you would regret should they pass on and your words remain unspoken. Rejoice, for you and they are alive today - and should you or them pass on to unknown shores, rejoice even more for you have a wonderful love story to tell."- Jackson Kiddard, author

So today I head back to Kampala via London. I arive on Tuesday night and will be straight back at it on Wednesday morning! Being home was great it was an opportunity to not only have fun, and fun I did have!! but also to see how far I have come on the journey towards unconditional self love! The journey continues and I have made some progress!!

So what did I learn today?
I love being here, it fills me with joy and a TRUE and authentic ME is a magnet for ALL things good!


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