Recharge time!!

We build kingdoms, townhouses and condos for our problems, or we invite them in and run baths for them – Iyanla Vanzant
How many times have you had a problem or a challenge and it’s all you talk about? The issue takes over your life, it starts to define you! Your entire focus is on this so called problem. I’ve learnt that when that is the approach, the situation just grows, you praise it and make a God out of it! I’ve learnt to shift the focus from the problem to the solution! You may not even know what the solution is but sure enough you can shift the thought process to something other than the problem and how much of a victim you are!
Stand in your power. I have heard it time and time again here, “there are no victims here” how awesome and powerful is that outlook! I am not a victim, I refuse to be called a victim, I refuse to be labelled a victim by myself or by others.
That is not to say that you deny or ignore your problems, of course not, it is acknowledging it and showing up with a totally different mindset!
Yesterday I had to collect my passport, I am going home tomorrow/ My passport has been in immigration for ages securing my work permit, they told me come for it this week, I have been going there daily only to be told to come back tomorrow. It’s now Friday I leave Sunday I get there and the officer says sorry come back on Monday! What??? He tells me to go away!
I get back to base and she says to me “ stop focusing on the problem , stop telling me about it, what is wrong about it, you will get your passport”  This is now Friday evening at 4.30pm!  I went away and stopped talking about the African disorganised ways!!
At 7pm I received my passport with the work permit stamped! Miracles happen every day!!
Home time!!!
Thank you guys for sharing in this first leg of my journey, I will be at home for a couple of weeks recharging, let’s see what lessons I learn there! Bear with me as I may not be able to hang out with you over the next few days but will touch base soon


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