How much do you believe in who you are?

If you show up as weak, broken, confused and dazed, the world is going to respond to you that way. If you show up as confident, kind, compassionate and loving, then the world is going to respond to you that way. Iyanla

What did I learn today? I must admit today I didn’t want to process a lesson or analyze the moment! I just wanted to feel the emotions and that is exactly what I did! I felt at first angry, then helpless, then sad then happy, then grateful, then blessed then full of hope and excitement. Today I spent some time with the Anga Maloni Women’s Group this group of women got together because they were displaced after the war in the North! Displaced in this way means they lost their family, home and whatever else they had. So they got together and called the group Anga Maloni (self reliance, depend on yourself). I drove there and at some point of the journey my car meant nothing! Get out the car chick! Walk! I was like, am I in the right place, have mercy! Ok get a grip! Seemed as though everyone in the village came outside to see me! Grace Aciro and her friend, who are part the group greeted me, we spent the day together, they started a business, save money, and find ways to go back to their village which is 7 or 8 hours away  and are so so proud of their self reliance and progress.There are 150 women in the group who sat patiently waiting for me. I didnt even know what to say to them! I just said you tell me your stories, I will listen, there is nothing that I can say to you in this moment. As I was getting ready to leave, the lesson hit me straight in the face You are exactly where you are because all that you have to give and receive is right where you are now. Where you are now is valuable and important, everything you can so is doable right where you are. If you were over there or over here there would be a big void where you are now. How much do you believe in who you are, serve where you are and use what you know can make a very big difference in who you become, where you go and what you do when you get to the next place Peace!!


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