The time is drawing closer -Book Launch in Trinidad and Tobago

You won't find glory at the center of safety, but at its
edge. You won't find love at a place where you are
covered, but in the space where you are naked.

You gotta take some risks. You have to not only pick
up the dice, but roll 'em. So go ahead, take the gamble.
You have nothing to lose except the chance to win.

Life is not long enough to spend it on the sidelines
Neale Donald Walsh

So a few more days for the book launch and for the book to drop in the stores here! Boy oh boy, it's an unbelievable ride that has me filled up with sooooo much gratitude, its hard to put into words
Been doing the rounds over the last few days and surrendering the outcome because really, what do I control but me and my responses to the events around me! Wish me luck!!



  1. Any plans to get them in JA bookshops? :-)

    1. I would love for them to be in JA and up the Caribbean? Any leads you can help me with for JA? In the meantime it's on Amazon and on Kindle!

  2. These are 2 choices:

    Sangster's Book Store -

    Kingston Book Shop -


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