It Takes A New Thought

What I have discovered is that some people unwittingly fight to retain ownership of the very limitations that  cause their suffering. Iyanla Vanzant

I know that I am in resistance when I am fighting to be right. When I am in defence mode. When I am making justifications, reasons and excuses. When I am not open to hearing a different point of view.

When I am getting hot around the ears, I start sucking my teeth, I know that I am in resistance mode.
When I know it is the truth.I get defensive. I don't want to be wrong.
Who wants to be wrong?
But no matter how much we get annoyed, deflect and blame, we have to take responsibility for our lives, we are the ones to make the change
I have started with being open to listening, then I move on to really being conscious of the thoughts that I entertain.
What we think determines how we act and how we feel
Being a slave to my thoughts - the negative ones are a set up for a life filled with repeating of old patterns.
We really do have to believe that we have the power to change our circumstances
It takes work and it takes self belief, it takes responsibility.

I'm ready.
Are you?

Look out for me at the CRCA Conference in St Lucia

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