A Delay is Not Always a Denial

I am willing to see this differently - ACIM

I was thinking about rejection today after having a conversation about it with a friend of mine. 
According to good therapy, Rejection can be defined as the act of pushing someone or something away.

In that discussion, it also dawned on me that rejection is one of my triggers, particularly after getting a divorce and having to face the effects of that upheaval. 

The conversation pushed me to think about how I want to move forward when or if someone or something pushes me away.

There are so many factors involved in others making a decision, many times, the decision has so very little to do with us, but we take it personally, and so my first lesson is:

1.  Do not take it personally- some people are making decisions based on where they are and what they know.. Some people are out to win at all cost, and others have to make the best decision for themselves in the moment.

2. Use it as a guide that my readiness to be or deal with that situation  requires more time. the saying a delay is not a denial can be applied in this care. Sometimes we just aren't ready to face or deal with a situation.

3. Feel all of the feelings - denying or hiding them will only prolong the fear or pain. Feel them then deal with them. Have compassion for yourself and know that there is nothing wrong with you.

4. Learn from it and don't let it define you - There are always lessons on the journey in every single encounter, learn from the experience.

Rejection can be a very good teacher once we are willing to see things differently



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