Use Your Inner Voice

Sometimes we second guess ourselves and stay in expired circumstances. Going forward, reclaim your time by trusting the voice within. Dr Thema

How many of us use the guidance within? And if you don't know or believe that we all have inner guidance, I am here to tell you, think again. We do! Whether we use it or not.

We all have that small voice within us, to ask us questions and to guide us.
The challenge is when the voice leads us into the unknown and the illogical based on where we are.
I am here to tell you again - most times the voice does that.
It shows up time and time again when we are off path, off purpose

What I have learned is, the voice is drowned out with the noise of busyness, with the noise of external voices, with the noise of habit.
To tap into the voice within brings courage and clarity and authenticity and faith.
We have to be courageous to go into the unknown, to have faith to trust in the unknown, to be our true selves.
The voice will always be there when you are ready.
It remains still, it remains available and it never leads us astray.
When we ignore it, second guess it, we tend to make choices and decisions which are not for our best selves. The lesson remains on loop until we learn.
Trust yourselves takes on a whole new meaning.


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