Leave room for the unplanned

We want life to be good and to not be too difficult. This all makes sense. But it’s not realistic. We can’t know all the variables. Dan Pederson

Confessions on the Journey - not long ago, I absolutely must have had certainty in my life. I needed to KNOW! When someone asked me to do something, to be somewhere, to get involved, to share my time and expertise, they had to come with the knowledge to answer my questions!
I wanted certainty.
I judged others on their certainly or lack thereof.
I wanted to see and hear concrete plans of what was to happen, what was next, who was involved and the end result.
Certainty made me feel secure. It made me feel accomplished. I felt that it made my life easier knowing what was to come.
I made detailed plans and followed them with laser focus to ensure certainty.
Then, life happened.
Many of the plans I made never materialized in the way I planned, some went horribly "wrong" and some exceeded my expectations, some blew me away!
What I did learn?
1. Be open and flexible
2. Keep the goal and the vision- lose the how
3. Certainty may not always be available to you - what will you do when it's not?
4. Many times knowing everything is a reaction due to fear and the ego, being in control - it leaves very little room for patience, self belief and self trust.

Expect the unexpected and know that you can handle it


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