Self Awareness

Just Be Aware - Iyanla

Hello Lovies

Do you check in with yourself?
Do you check in with yourself and ask yourself  how you are feeling?
These questions allow us to become more self aware.

On this journey, self awareness plays such a critical role in guiding us during our daily lives.
It is inevitable that there will be things that happen which we cannot control. There may also be events that take place where all we can do is  respond in the moment. 
There will also be situations where we are called upon to give more than usual in time, effort and energy. We may also have to support others on the journey which calls us to tap into areas of ourselves that may be dormant  or overused.

I have learnt that checking in with self brings us to a point of awareness which can lead us to making better decisions and learning or unlearning where we can be more of our true and highest self.
Becoming self aware is the first part of healing and growth. We can only move forward when we face and know what we are dealing with.

Check in with yourself, become aware of your breath, your feelings, your response. In that way, you can move forward in full control of yourself.


 Have you read any of Akosua's work?


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