Do Something New

Courage not only means being able to do something new. It also means taking steps to "be" someone new. Iyanla Vanzant

Hello My lovies
I have been away for a few days, unplugged from the technology and the rest of the fast paced world. This was by choice. I wanted to do ground myself in nature away from what had seen to me to become distractions of phone, television and noise. I wanted to challenge myself as well.
I took a boat out to the islet. Boats and me are not friendly - AT ALL!
As I got on the small pirouge, I asked Cleve, the captain for a life jacket. He said "oh no! I forgot them on shore, but the sea is nice today!" 
Here we go!
I did ask for challenges.
The boat journey was thirty five mnutes. During that time I was mostly silent having an inner dialougue with myself. The talk was around convincing myself that I was able to do the ride, be safe and be courageous.
I was so happy to see the shore. Happy to be on land and happy to see that the positive self talk worked, happy to complete the task.
I spent the few days walking on the wbeach, waking up early to see the sun rise and being in place to see it set. Going into the ocean - which I never do. and waking up without checking my phone and social media!
I throughly enjoyed the few days with just nature.It's important to challenge ourselves, to do new things, to show ourselves that we are courageous and can do without things that we believe are essential because it is a trend.


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