I am willing to see this differently

I am willing to see this differently - ACIM

This is one affirmation that has guided me so many situations and experiences.
I am willing to see this situation differently
Differently to the past
Differently to the what I am seeing now
Differently to what I am used to doing
Differently to allow for peace
Differently to allow for joy
Differently to make way for new

I am willing to see things differently to learn, to learn something new, something useful 
I am willing to see this differently to love myself, to love period
I am willing to see things differently for progress 

When a situation occurs and I go into reactionary mode, I remember this affirmation
When something triggers me, I tap into this affirmation
When I want peace in a situation - I tap into this affirmation

I am willing to see this differently because it advances progress.




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