Know what you know, and then act like you know

The fact that your intuition doesn’t explain itself to you means you don’t have to explain yourself to anyone. Tasha Bee

There are many times when I want to do something, when I want to take a particular action and I share the idea with others. People start asking me questions. Confessions on the Journey - when I don't have the answers. I get annoyed with myself at first because I do not have the answers. All I know is that I am doing the thing or going to the place.

When the responses come out of my mouth, many times, doubt sets in. I start doubting myself and the action. I am given reasons, rationales and justifications why it is not a very well thought out idea.

It has always been a challenge for me to explain when I get a hunch, a message, a gut feeling. I have been practicing lately that when I get them I act immediately on them. I don't wait, I tell no one. When I start I share it if required and those who are on board come on board. They sometimes still ask questions. I have already started so the doubt comes in with the continuation rather than the starting.

According to Iyanla know that you know what you know, and that is ok to know!
Anything you know is for your own good.
Your knowledge will protect you.
Your knowledge will strengthen you.
Not only intuitive knowledge open your eyes to see what you need to see, it will also let you know what yo so about what you see.
Taking the time to get still awakens one's intuition
Taking the time to connect with nature allows the still voice to come through
Taking the time to be courageous and discipline when guided will always be a huge part of taking this journey.
Taking action is key.

Know what you know, and then act like you know


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